learn English with ChatGPT
the tips for learning English with ChatGPT
part 1
summary: It can give you some learning tips & methods. However, it can not provide the concreate examples and even practice with you as teacher "currently".
part 2
For the interview questions, it well performs and do a great job! Try to mock interviews with chatGPT
part 3
cool, you can ask to create tests for vocabulary or grammer.
For speaking, you can install the chrome plugin: voice control for chatgpt
to practice speaking, it's better to define the scope (like traveling, oral presentation exam, interview and etc.) you can start from talking about food, traveling and TV shows. those are good scopes closed to everyone's life. It's important to learn the collocation and phrases used by the native speaker when you take on one on one speaking course.
the following are the recommended commands from the channel:
#1 跟 ChatGPT 對話: Let's have a conversation about (food / traveling to the US / movies and TV shows) 每個主題也可以提供更多細節,像是 Italian food, French food / traveling to Los Angeles / the TV show Friends.
#2 讓 ChatGPT 整理用過的單字、句型: Based on our conversation above, provide me with the following. only include what you've used.
collocations and phrases
sentence patterns
#3 用 ChatGPT 整理網狀單字法: Provide information for these words: suggest, discussion, collaboration
root or prefix
part of speech
example sentence (use spoken english)
another great source
to practice speaking Can you write a chat between two people at the supermarket? Can we have a back-and-forth interview for a marketing manager position?
to learn grammer Can you write a short story using the past perfect tense? Correct my grammar in the following context and explain it
to learn vocabulary Write 10 sentences using the word