How To Learn English and + On Your Own Using The Internet

藉由求知慾的方式來增進 學習英文的循環力! 初階我有了! 但是要往精通領域走入,需要的是練習,驗證,調整。

  • What problems will be resolved in my life if I learn English

A reason to do it

For me, it's possible that for personal growth.

  • being able to speak fluently in job interview

  • reading articles and books quickly and understand it correctly

  • comunicating effectively with foreigners


  • increasing income

  • accessing the whole new world of amazing things (a vision of the things) 像是閱讀,看電影,都會有全新的解讀方式。

The means to study it

  • using the internet

Why you should define your fears instead of your goals


motivation & time management

the skills you need in order to learn English




formal education will make you a living, self education will make you a fortune

how to set goal in english

Pareto principle (80/20 rule) .. I don't know why every lecturer talks about this. 20% of your actions will produce 80% of your results

some talks in TED about learning

how to prepare interview

  • search job interview tip

  • body language

preparing the question and answers

practicing talking for those questions

go to or other similar webiste

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Never stop learning.

Life is the sum of your daily habits.

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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